I decided to make buckwheat pancakes for a few reasons: I get lots of requests for anything breakfast, I'm trying to cook with more whole grains, and I...
My husband used to not like pancakes and absolutely hate pancake syrup until I had him try the oatmeal pancake with mango or blueberry sauce. Now he regularly...
The perfect breakfast solution for people who cannot decide between oatmeal and pancakes, this recipe is for the softer pancake version of the popular...
This is a recipe from a cafe in Santa Fe, New Mexico. They are good with maple syrup or, if you're ambitious, with homemade peach or raspberry spread....
Easy, satisfying, and full of whole grain goodness! Top as desired- I like mine with peanut butter and sugar-free syrup. Also, any chopped fruit, nuts,...
Fresh out of the skillet, these buckwheat pancakes go great with homemade sausage. This is a forgiving recipe, and each kitchen and cook seems to add a...
I make this for my kids quite often. It is very simple. Preparing the batter in the food processor makes it that much easier. Serve with syrup and butter....
If you like Harvest Grain N' Nut pancakes, I have the recipe for you. Nutty, moist and tasty pancakes! This is the BEST pancake recipe I've tried, and...
I'm trying to eat less flour, but I also insist that my meals be tasty. After trying dozens of other people's recipes, I took ideas from all of them to...
These pancakes were a regular feature on Sunday mornings when I was growing up. They're still the best I've ever had. Buttermilk pancakes with oatmeal...
This recipe is fast using the blender to mix ingredients. Pancakes come out fluffy and flavorful. Serve with warm syrup and butter. They are also excellent...
This is a very old-fashioned version of cornmeal pancakes which rise overnight. It came to our family via my great grandmother and dates back to the mid...
Trying to eat healthier, but still trying to keep my men happy! I took 3 recipes, combined what I liked, and came up with this! You can leave out the cinnamon...
Oh the things I was out of when I created this dish: no milk and no eggs, but we wanted pancakes, dangit! I used flax meal to make up for the protein in...
Finally a whole wheat pancake recipe that my kids gobbled up like they were going out of style! Spiced with fall flavor (apples, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger,...
I find the taste of pure buckwheat pancakes too strong so I am using half all-purpose and half buckwheat flour. The pancakes can be served with syrup for...
Savory veggie-filled pancakes for breakfast or any meal. This is my go-to meal when I come home late and don't feel like cooking. Experiment with other...
After trying and tweaking several different pancake recipes, I'm very happy with this one. The oats add texture, the bananas make them sweet, and the almond...
I am always looking for easy things to feed my kids for breakfast. I love this blender pancake recipe because it is easy, tastes good, and my kids actually...
For the oatmeal cookie lovers, oatmeal pancakes for breakfast! Not too sweet. Syrup is optional, may not even want it after they are cooked! A great way...
Traditional buttermilk pancake taste without the gluten; dense and fluffy at the same time. Using whole grain flours not only helps flavor and texture,...
A popular snack in Columbia, Venezuela, Panama and many other Hispanic countries. Serve with toppings such as cheese, salsa, cream cheese, and butter....
This recipe I made because I wanted to use up some instant banana oatmeal I had. I don't use syrup on it because of the sweetness from the oatmeal and...
I make this for my kids quite often. Great way to get whole grains in them! Preparing the batter in the food processor makes it that much easier, and smoothes...
Vegetarian and gluten-free buckwheat pancakes. Buckwheat comes from a fruit seed and is related to rhubarb. It is wheat-free and grain-free, though often...
Not just your average pancake. Kids, peanut butter lovers, and those looking for a flavorful oatmeal pancake variation will gobble these up! If you get...
I recently (at 33 years old) learned I am gluten-intolerant and have begun exploring gluten-free cooking. We love pancakes in my house, and I created this...